Sunday 4 December 2011

New books on the way..

So I have been making things, but no pictures still! I get my camera tomorrow, but we are moving in the meantime so I'll try to take some pictures next week. BUT! I have ordered some new sewing books which I am excited about! I negotiated with my brother to get them as a Christmas present, so he's paying most of it!
I've ordered all three of these,
I've heard they are all very good and informative, and I'm especially looking forward to the fabric sewing guide as I don't really know anything about different fabrics, I'm pretty instinctual when it comes to buying for a project. I'm not sure if I'm up for the couture just yet, but sometimes I really don't like a finish so I was looking for a book to give me options. Does anyone have these? Found them helpful?
Next up.. trying to get someone to buy me some new thread and fabric for Christmas (hint)!